The process of recertification would include a reassessment of the organization’s documented quality management system including a review of the Management System, where necessary, to be conducted before the expiry of three years term of validity. The recertification audits planned and conducted to evaluate the continued fulfillment of all of the requirements of the relevant management system standard or other normative document. The Renewal audit plan is verified to ensure that the majority of the audit time is given to verify the effective implementation of the management system in the locations where the organization’s activities takes place including on-site audits of temporary sites for OHSAS (OHSAS (In Management System Audit 80% of the audit time shall be given onsite).
The reassessment provides for a review of the past performance of the quality management system over the period of previous certification, including examination of the documents/records relating to the internal audits, management review and effectiveness of corrective and preventive actions, etc.
It is the responsibility of the person assigned ( of Lead Auditor status) to conduct the Reassessment and submit the report. The team leader also ensures that any Technical Expert / Specialist are not allowed to function independently and are always accompanied by auditor/ lead auditor.
Re- certification audit shall be planned and conducted three months prior to the validity of the certificate to ensure continuity of certification in the likely event of any non conformance found during the audit. In the case of 9/6 monthly surveillance frequency the Re-certification audit can be clubbed with the Surveillance Audit.
The process of Re-certification is planned by the AM. Advance notice is sent to the client. If the client agrees for the recertification the sending Questionnaire, quotation and application review is done as per procedure no.P06. If there are changes like addition of new processes/services, regulatory requirement or new product/services addition or change of location or change of Top management Stage 1 audit is required to be conducted.Before proceeding to client site, the team leader shall review all the previous reports since certification audit/ last Reassessment by Performance Review and make a note of relevant points.
Re Certification Audit shall be conducted, if the client applies for re-certification prior to expiry of certificate and there is no major change in client organization (legal, scope etc.). How-ever if the client applies for recertification after expiry date then stage I will also be conducted.
If NC is identified the Re-Certification audit the team leader shall ensure and communicate the client that the Corrective Actions and the evidences are provided before the expiry of the certificate.